A prawn is someone who has failed at life, a freeloader and or clepto of note. Adj
Sada (PRAWN) had all the connections it needed and knew where all the parties were. Thus every night she didn't have to pay for the alcohol nor the dinner. Nobody liked Sada
by 123dontblameme May 24, 2010
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(v). Whenever a noob gets owned.
Josh just got prawned and complained that he just got cheated.
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A word used by locals of Woodhaven, NY when referring to pornography. Though it may have been used this way by many other people, its popularity had increased after the creation of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, in which the protagonist of the game had to visit a location known as Prawn Island. Incidentally, the number one business on Prawn Island was a Porn Studio. The derivation of the use of the word Prawn, comes from the Internet lingo colloquialism to misspell the word Porn by reversing the center letters and replacing the o with a zero. "Pr0n". Use of the term "Prawn" has lead to the creation of a euphemistic meaning of the word "Shrimping". Shrimping: the act of watching porn while conducting a form of self gratification. Also: the act of surfing the web for new pornographic material.
<While on a crowded New York City J train>

K: Before I left the house I went shrimping for some Prawn and found this really crazy one with Sasha Grey, I sent it to you so you can check it out.

D: Seriously dude? I really didn't want to know that moments before getting on this train with me, you were shrimping.
by Captain Prawn Addiction January 27, 2010
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a word used to describe a person who is homosexual, pretentious, dresses in ridiculus clothes or a loser.
That chap is such a prawn
by chod-dorian December 15, 2010
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A race of people that steal other peoples belongings, live in shacks, refuse to be evicted and assault law enforcement officials. IE: Niggers.

They are associated with District 9, which is formerly known to be about Aliens. But it's a movie that has a hidden message about the African American race.
Dude, that prawn totally broke into my fucking car, they should send them back to district 9.
by Blacks Hardware February 4, 2011
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"Hey are you a flat earther?"

"No, I'm not a fucking prawn"
by Mr. Sunny March 29, 2019
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An adjective that describes a girl with great body but an ugly face. Just like ocean prawns, if you throw away the head you are left with a tasty treat.

Prawns make great cheerleaders because from a distance they seem very attractive.
booty attractive sexy ugly girls cheerleaders cheerleader effect himym barney stinson stinson out legendary prawn
by KitWalker April 22, 2015
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