When you partake in smoking cannabis flower then in the same breath intake concentrate vapor and blow them out together.

(This excludes any form of cartridge, it must be dabs)
-Bro I just hit a crazy Pot Head Piledriver for 4/20.
Isn't that a wrestling move?
-That's what it feels like.
by topkushonly April 20, 2023
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A flower pot head (also spelt as flour pot head) is someone with not many brains, or someone who's head is full of nothing. A flower pot head can also be a blonde, an idiot or someone who is being stupid.
Mel: You are such a flower pot head, I cant believe you thought that Sydney was the capital of Australia!
by miss_princess February 24, 2009
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A Person who is such a Stoner that the mere thought of weed triggers an autonomic response.

A subject of a method modeled after Pavlov's Dog experiment, involving a clink of a bong instead of a bell, marijuana instead of food and a pot head instead of a dog.
"My Stoner roommate is such a Pavlov's Pot Head, just a clink of the bong and his eyes start to water"
by Anon Anon November 18, 2013
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a underage kid who has parents who allow them to smoke marijuana or is given marijuana by their pot head parents .
“yo , let’s smoke at jokers house , his parents don’t mind.”
“Man I wish I was a privileged pot head , family game nite would be so dope”.
by jocci January 16, 2022
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Someone who openly admits to having an addiction to Marijuana, and may even smoke Marijuana in social situations, yet does not smoke to the point of an addiction. This is usually a practice of adolesents who wish to fit-in with a group of people who are pot heads yet they do not wish to actually practise smoking pot frequently, and thusly lies about the cercumstances under which they use Marijuana.
by Digital BluE August 8, 2003
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a kid who smokes weed 3 times because his gf broke up with him and wants to do it more because he thinks it makes him seem cool and thinks he's a beast cuz he got eye drops from a shit rite aid
We just chilled… we're pot heads
by Tessa davis November 14, 2015
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