a term used to describe a moment of stupidity, worse than a 'blonde' moment
1)Bruce:i went across the specific ocean
Beckmeister: you mean pacific
Bruce: yeh thats what i said, specific

2) (there was a vase of bamboo by my friends sink)
Louis: why is there a glass of leeks beside your sink?
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socially inept, virgin, sober driver, usually male but in extreme cases can be female (although butch)
wow, that guy is such a pork chop!
by porkchop1234 January 8, 2009
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to suck cock, a blow job, blowie,
''give us a pork chop love''
by pooty beavston September 9, 2007
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A term used to describe and deliciously hot chick.
When Phyllis puts on those fish-net stockings and red lipstick, she totally pork chops!
by Clinto-beans July 13, 2006
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This describes one who is eating Southern food with gusto or having vigorous sex.
Sweet Willie was really pumpin pork chops down at the buffet!
by I, Wreckerrr January 2, 2017
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Refusing to socialize, preferring instead to go home and masturbate.
He said he doesn't feel like coming out. He's probably at home Makin' Pork Chops.

"Why didn't Chris come out tonight?"
"I dunno, he's probably at home Makin' Pork Chops!"
by Moose-a-loop November 6, 2011
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An incredibly funny exclamation in an internet spoof of an old GI Joe cartoon.
pork chop sandwiches!!!
by Joe Dirrrrrrrrt June 9, 2005
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