An app where you can find photos and videos of your interest. A social media platform.
Do you have Pinterest?
by Joon's expensive girl January 9, 2022
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the best app to exist in the world.
“what’s your favorite app?”
“i’m a pinterest girl ofc” 💅🏼💗😌
by danezz555 January 19, 2022
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it fulfills our daydreams and is the best app to exist.
what’s your hobby?”
“going on pinterest ofc” 😌💅🏼💕

by danezz555 January 19, 2022
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Pinterest is the app of artists with a big focus. community restricted because the world in which we live does not deserve to know this application.
person 1: wow but where did you all get it's a wonderful idea

person 2: oh from Pinterest
by normal girl November 22, 2021
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Pinterest is the app of artists with a big focus. community restricted because the world in which we live does not deserve to know this application.
person 1: wow but where did you all get it's a wonderful idea

person 2: oh from Pinterest
by normal girl November 22, 2021
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If you use Pinterest, you are a hot motherfucker.
HOLY SHIT! My crush uses Pinterest! She is so fineeeeeeeeeeee.
by cheawon November 17, 2022
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What you get when you successfully attract a woman by doing something you saw on Pinterest, - like folding a rose out of a napkin or showing her your homemade lip balm.
Alex: Yo man I got some pinterest pussy last night!
Eric: Nice one! What did you do?
Alex: I drew an accurate map of the world on a napkin to show her where Europe is!
by Dvdssn May 31, 2017
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