A marijuana cigar, refereed to as a blunt, is called a Pinner Blunt when it is minimally filled. Often rolled tightly, a Pinner Blunt is a economical way to conserve marijuana.

It is also a way to smoke more expensive marijuana, with a higher potency, without being wasteful.
Person A: "Dude, I don't think I have enough left for a blunt"

Person B: "Just roll a pinner blunt, we can get some more later"


Person A: "I could only afford a gram of that hydro(hydroponic=more potency) "

Person B: "Well, roll a pinner blunt and we can smoke again later"
by The Marijuana Authority November 10, 2009
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refers to someone who is a lightweight and cannot handle alcohol very well

usually used to describe hot girls who get drunk after three beers, but can also

describe guys who are small or pinner.

the meaning comes from an oximoron having to do with weed. pinner (an

exceptionally tightly rolled joint, lacking substantial pot) and dank (highly

"potent" weed of exceptional quality).
guy 1: "I hooked up with that girl at the party last night."

guy 2: "Is she a partier?"

guy 1: "Nah. She's a pinner dank."
by troggyyy May 15, 2009
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Movement associated with rappers who steal other rappers beats.
Similar to the Hyphy Movement in that it is a movement.
"Mac Dre rap'd to that like 10 years ago cutty!"

"Its all pinner nucca! I'm representing this pinner movement!"
by Nervous Nate May 12, 2008
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A disillusioned sports played that incorrectly percieves that he of she is participating in an actual form of bowling
Viki: Man im sooo looking foreward to bowling camp!
Cait: Yeh same here exept for those annoying Five-pinners
Jayordon: pfthh five pin, thats not real bowling
by BowlingForChicken August 18, 2009
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a term used for a girl that is really hot but way too young (a.k.a. PD)
Damn, look at that pinner dank!
by sellinpussy April 7, 2011
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To smoke a small joint after dinner
Umm... that was a great meal... not who's got the after dinner pinner
by AJ SITKO February 8, 2005
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A big shit talker from Dixie County. A person with a hound hoarding problem. Someone who constantly complains about night shift but is always there to fulfill his dream of working at a Sawmill.
Have you seen Charles "Jellyroll" Pinner at any hunts lately? No, he's still trying to figure out the 3rd generation on his pedigree blank!!
by Doghunter August 8, 2017
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