1, An old drunk that shits their pants and sends money to women

2, A loser thats never achieved a thing in their life

3, Someone with bad breath, no teeth and a drinking problem

4, found past out drunk on a mens room floor with pubes stuck to his face and a condom hanging from his ass
1, i took a wikked moss,, my god it was horrible,, and now i'm broke and my ass hurts

2, i'm just being a moss all my life

3, if i had any clean breath or teeth i wouldnt be such a moss

4, i have got to learn not to drink till a blackout, it's so moss of me to wake up with pubes on my face and condoms hanging from my ass
by Dpcx MrPerfect October 17, 2012
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A person you meet and think they are an asshole, but after awhile they start to grow on you.
by moss1972 April 11, 2010
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To miss one with such missingness that theres no way that they can miss you more.
I moss you so much
by Annabelle May August 17, 2010
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To be in a state of complete relaxation. What does moss do? - it just sits there, doing nothing. To be sat on the sofa, doing nothing, watching a film, eating food, content.
What you doing tonight? - Nothing, probably just mossing.
Its been a long week, I am literally just mossing all weekend.
Fancy a moss tonight?
by Bashwipe Co. March 14, 2017
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Moss is a great guy. He is normally a comedic genius. He enjoys doing impressions. They are quite good. He seems like a real tough guy but really he's a soft sentimental and sensitive guy. He loves Abstract Impressionism and will most likely have a bad hair cut
Girl 1- I know you have a crush on Moss
Girls 2- How do you not. He's such a great guy! He's so funny
by Larry'sLittleSpoon28 March 10, 2019
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A smart spunky boy who isn’t afraid of anything. Her is very outgoing and brave but don’t mess with him he don’t play . He is a true lover and all the girls want him!
Moss a very gorgeous human
by Wait4it! March 28, 2018
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1. "Measure Of Software Similarity" (Berkely: 1994, 2003). A program used to detect plaigarism in programming homework assignments.
2. A deal between USC Judicial Affairs (student conduct) and Berkely to bring in money to USC and to increase the number of students accused of student conduct disorders and academic dishonesty. This will in turn boost the effectiveness rating of USC and its Judicial Affairs bureaucracy.
3. Total fucking bullshit.
4. MOSS my salad, bitch.
5. A lame excuse for professors to inflict misery on their students.
6. Proof that computers cannot make decisions effectively as humans.
7. As illogical in deciding who is cheating as the BCS is in deciding who should play in the national championship.
8. Invented by a bunch of lunatics who had nothing better to do than devise ways to inflict pain on others.
9. Invented by a bunch of losers who have no life.
I got sent to Judicial Affairs because MOSS said I was cheating. This is no different than saying I got a traffic ticket because a camera said so. Or that Oklahoma should play in the Sugar Bowl because the BCS said so.
by ace April 22, 2004
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