Someone who has no friends or someone who likes being alone
Dan: She is such a loner Sarah: no she isn't she just likes being alone
by Karen may July 26, 2017
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Loners prefer to do just about everything.....alone. Sleeping alone, shopping alone, driving alone, eating alone, working on projects alone, you name it. They don't need to be around people and mostly aren't. Loners are generally content being in their own company, with their own thoughts, and in their own constructions. Contrary to common perceptions, Loners are usually good at talking to people.
Most people aren't worth my time anymore. My Loner inclinations may have hatched out of a combination of factors, but I'm more content concerning myself with what is meaningful rather than what the crowd is doing.
by nightcode7 February 10, 2019
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Of a person, human being that has no friends whatsoever and maybe no family. They are alone. Alone... No company, no body waiting at home, no one. They don't necessarily like being alone, or having no company OR maybe they do, ^All of the above was basically my meaning of a HARDCORE loner. But Loners typically means of a person maybe in a some kind of situation where they are alone or typically at schools or any social environments. Maybe loners like to be alone, choose to be alone or don't mind it. But others don't and wonder why things are the way they are...
Hardcore loner- ALONE
Typically loner- lol, I'm alone ( yawn )
by exploding air plane 6969 July 24, 2017
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EW! He has a loner!
by DestinyMarieee December 30, 2019
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its wat u call sum1 wen theyre all by themselves
"hey cum with me 2 the shops i dont wanna be lonered"
by AUSSIE88CHIK April 6, 2006
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Commonly confused with a lonely person(no friends) but being a loner is diffrent meaning you have friends(people you are cool with)but you dont depend on people and like to be alone and just chill
Man: shes such a loner

Tyler: no she just doesn't fw the drama
by Nahhbae November 16, 2019
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when you go get fast food and you order fries and there's one lonely onion ring at the bottom of the bag.
i got a lonering
by Finallydone June 1, 2017
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