As in "Kirk", William Shatner's character on Star Trek
1. Hitting on hot alien chicks
2. Having sex with a sexy alien girl
3. Getting tons of alien pussy
Hot alien girl: This Earth nigga keeps texting me, "Space Netflix and chill?"
Other alien girl: That earthling's just kirking you.
by Eternal Cock August 25, 2015
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to flip out on sumbody, curse sumone out, just to get mad at sumone 4 no reason
she kirked out on me cuz i wuz talkin to James, who was supposedly, "her boo"
by MizMiya March 18, 2005
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To act in an impetuous way and not play by the rules, like Captain Kirk from "Star Trek".
The NotGoth did a Kirk: he brought his gat and a bottle of Thunderbird into the rave club, when the sign outside the club said "No Alcoholic Beverages and No Firearms Allowed"!
by pentozali February 6, 2009
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when a another guy comes over to the bar and steals the girl you were chatting up (scottish term)
i was chatting up this nice lass when thats twat kirked me.
by richfoord May 15, 2010
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Mainly used in the D.C. area it means to go crazy;to spaz out on someone; to over react; to curse someone out
DUde; yo what happened?
Girl: that girl tried to swizz me outta ma money
Dude:O thats why you was kirking out on her
Girl: yea i dont play that
by Tay Boo January 6, 2012
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When an individual can achieve a goal on their own, but you assist them regardless of the obvious negative consequences.
“I was so close to PRing on my bench max, but David f***ing kirked me”
by Mintless Toothpaste June 8, 2019
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(v) Not making your lady friend breakfast after a one-night stand.
Dude. I didn't even make her breakfast. I Kirked that ho.
by Weeds2010 August 21, 2010
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