someone that drinks loads of jiz
gemma is a rate jiz trough
by purpleworm September 20, 2007
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a code word meaning beer usally bud light
Turtle Jiz is whats for dinner

Josh i heard your parents found all that turtle jiz in the trunk of your car that sucks
by n_kasper August 3, 2008
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dude i'm freakin out right now, my jiz bag ripped last night with christina
by I like sex August 29, 2008
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a person, known or unknown, that leaves jiz in a random place; if it's a friend, they will never cop to it.
Who the hell jizzed on my car seat? The jiz bandit struck again.
by sweetdees January 22, 2009
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A master of jiz. The male in a polygamous marriage. Any dude with 10 or more kids.
The jiz master lived in Utah.
by Bang Bang Nick Lange May 16, 2006
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a mans balls and ball sack, nuts, balls, love lumps.
lick my jiz bits, ow my jiz bits hurt, dont look at my jiz bits
by mysterio44 April 21, 2006
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