The best friend you could ever ask for. A Katrina is someone who is larger than life, and would do anything for a friend. You got a problem? She'll solve it. You need a shoulder to cry on? Don't even need to ask, she always k led when you need her. Being a very compassionate person, Katrina's are a great person to have in your life.

Everyone needs a Katrina. They are the best thing in this world, and always have your back.

Katrina's are also very beautiful. With their (typically) brown or hazel eyes, and they're (typically) beautiful, long brown locks. They may not know it, but they are as beautiful outside as they are on the inside. They may feel uncomfortable in their bodies, so you need to help them embrace it!!
"Kind soul and beautiful face? You must be a Katrina!"

-yes, I just quoted Ronald Wesley!-
by BlondeAndBlind July 31, 2019
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A muse crazy girl that will do a dance in the drink isle of the grocery store when buying sippy packs for her child.
Put your hands in the air and wave that round like ya just don't care she's Katrina.

She swings from here to there, she's got sippy packs, makes you stop a stair she's Katrina.
by despensablecokehead December 16, 2009
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The swirling apocalyptic hellstorm that touched down on August 29, 2005 and screwed up Louisiana, Mississipi, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle. Worse of all, it sunk New Orleans like the city of Atlantis. Our prayers are with the few survivors living there.
Right now the deaths is a mystery but most say it could be in the thousands. This goes to show you there are worst things to fear than terrorism, never underestimate Mother Nature. . . .
Im sure you'll all agree with me when I say that Katrina is one psychotic hell bitch
by suckage August 31, 2005
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Someone wo won't stop using sarcasm and is a massive sub
Oh my god that person has such katrina energy
by terako May 13, 2021
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Katrina is a beautiful girl, she would be more to the side of the layer back girls. People think of Katrina as mean but she’s a really nice girl. She’s the insecure type of girl and doesn’t think of herself as too much. She had been deeply hurt, but throughout it all she just has a wonderful personality and all around beautiful.
Person 1: who is that?
Person 2:oh that’s Katrina she doesn’t talk much
Person 1:she’s beautiful
by bbgkae November 27, 2018
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Beautifully formed, nice ass and huge boobs. A girl boys lust after, gorgeous in every way. Amazing eyes that can dazzle anyone with just one look. Plump red lips and rosy cheeks make her look irresistible. Whoever has a Katrina as a girlfriend is one lucky guy. Kind, caring and breath taking in the bedroom. A Katrina knows exactly how to please her man.
Guy: darn look at that body, she looks like a goddess . Her name must be Katrina. I'd fuck her all night long.
by Stanley B February 2, 2013
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In German it means Pure, Katrina's tend to kick some ass and don'd stand any bullshit, they protect their friends and are typically rebels and/or emo. Mostly Bipolar and when she has her time of the month, put her behind bars and throw candy in. Sometimes bi-sexual and gets anyone they want.
"Damn, Katrina really stands up for her friends"

"Katrina looks angry, lets get out of here!"
by KookiMonstr December 3, 2014
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