Brent, Bryce, Wes and Tom are going to go out to hork a big one.
by Finalform October 22, 2009
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Verb: to take something from someone,usually without physical force, but with a confidence bordering on arrogance.

(to hork, from the French horque)

My big brother horked my Redline and jumped it into a pond.
by alohatroy January 17, 2009
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He horked in on my date. OR He horked my tasty beverage.
by Anonymous May 6, 2003
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v. An unwarranted invasion of one’s personal space, often with the effect of making the horked upon feel rushed or otherwise unable to function properly.
by Ibris May 24, 2020
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A familiar term used when smoking marijuana, could also be used as another name for marijuana.
Let's Horke some weed.
Roll up some Horke.
by The Burger King February 2, 2006
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Ate or drank all of some desireable commodity with no consideration for others.
"Who horked the beer?"
"You horked all the leftover steak!"
by L.P. June 28, 2005
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