A word that is short for homosexual.
Also used by immature teenagers as the ultimate insult word.
Jack: I have something to tell you. I'm gay.


Kid to ex-friend: YOU HOMO!
by SuperSonicX November 15, 2004
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A phrase used to immeadatley erase any thought or misconeption of homosexuality and allows to suck a big ol' cock, say no homo and still be straight
Dan: Nice cock bro

John: Dude wtf

Dan: No homo

John: oh ok it's cool now
by The funny guy at school September 23, 2020
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After someone says something that sounds gay(for boys),or les(for girls),when they don't mean it in a gay or les way.
Girl:No Homo,but she's pretty
by TheTruthIsMe March 1, 2011
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Phrase addended by insecure straight men to a sentence that may mildly imply homosexuality on the part of the speaker (or may be entirely innocuous) to assure themselves, a second party, and the rest of the world that they are not, in fact, homosexuals.

At all.

In any way, shape, or form.

1. "You're my best friend bro. No homo."

2. "That movie was beautiful. I almost cried. ...no homo."

3. "No homo I'm going to the no homo store no homo no homo no homo. BY THE WAY I AM NOT GAY."
by Arcanist September 4, 2010
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A kind of milk found in Canada
"This is homo-milk, it must be yours."
by Urbepedia February 19, 2008
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1. to be cheaply owned (usually in a video/pc game)
2. to be ganked
3. to be attacked by or more than two people at the same time (usually in a video/pc game)
4. to be cheap shoted (usually in a video/pc game)
5. to be out camped (Counter Strike)
1. Man I just got homoed by like 8 guys
2. I got homoed by that cheap B attack
by Brett_grungepb May 4, 2006
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often a phrase used after someone says or does something homosexual
"hey bro I love you man no homo" "thank god you said no homo or else I would've thought you were homosexual
by vince e. February 1, 2009
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