A person who is being a complete asshole. A word used by us weirdos!
by [[(Rawrr!)]] March 14, 2010
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Someone who annoys me to the extent that, given the opportunity, I would beat him into such a deformed state that he'd be wearing his ass as a hat.
by Trunks November 21, 2003
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A real Wanker. Someone that is both unintelligent and lacks proper social niceties.
That guy is not just a douch, he is a total ass hat.
by Chris Hitchcock November 28, 2006
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Ass-hat. President George Bush and Dick Cheney are both clueless and bumbling idiots. Meaning they are both ass-hat
1. George Bush was an ass-hat when it was time to help Katrina victims.

2. Every time Sarah Palin opens her mouth she looks like an ass-hat

3. The Republican party is filled with ass-hats
by L.L.L January 22, 2009
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you f*cking ass hat!!
omfg dude, you are an ass hat
.....ass hat
by Matt Broad January 16, 2004
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A person who's head is firmly planted up their own ass. And is most likely very stubborn and ignorant.
That teacher was such a cluless ass hat.
by Phreshie November 13, 2009
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Like ass clown, this word can be substituted for any other isult.
"What an ass hat!"
"That ass hat almost hit me!"
by Sara R. July 3, 2003
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