A word often used but is rednecks have no idea what that means!
Him: I have to stop drinking or I’ll get a hangover
Me: WTF is a hangover pass me another one and let’s slam it!
by Bigbelliedredneck April 3, 2022
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After consuming alcohol, the feeling like your dying inside.
Girl one : I'm dying from lastnight!
Girl two : it's just a hangover!
by Dyinghippo June 30, 2015
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A ridiculously overrated comedy from 2009 that is often quoted non-stop by annoying wannabe fan-boys.
Wannabe 1 : Dude we are so cool for knowing all the lines in The Hangover.

Wannabe 2 : I know ! I can't believe it doesn't feature as # 1 in IMDB's top 250.
by Andrewbhat March 10, 2010
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Someone who constantly gets drunk or drugged and can't remember what happened after it happens.
by Dodo November 30, 2016
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The intense feeling of sodomy when you wake up in the morning with a person of which you have no idea how or why their in the bed with you. Mixed in with migraines loss of memory and extreme fatigue. You then look around and see very expensive items, after which you get on your computer and check your credit card, realizing you've spent over 10,000$ you then shit out of your sodomized ass, after that you look at your finger and see a wedding ring, you had just married someone you don't even remember. And that's pretty much how it happens
wha..? whas goin on? Omfg, omfg, omfg, omfg!! I didn't!! Noooooooooo!!! I have such a Hangover
by whatswrongwitu April 26, 2011
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Being drugged by your odd friend and then having the best freakin night of your life
Guy 1:" what in the world happened last night?"
Random drunk dude:" Dude, you were trippin' and I bet you were totally hangovering!"
by That ethan over there July 9, 2012
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When you are taking a crap and there's a little piece hanging left over and you cant get it out. Common techniques involve wiping it, but that usually gets messy, or waiting and shaking.
Dude 1: Are you coming?
Dude 2: Slow down i have a hangover!
Dude 1: Oh, crap
Dude 2: Literally. I dont know if i should wipe it or keep shakin. This is gonna smell nastay.
by foxyfox2451 March 3, 2010
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