Man 1: “Hey man what’s up
Man 2: “I just slept with 6 girls last night 🤤”
Man 1: “Holy shit dude you’re such a gorb”
by grrgrowl August 18, 2020
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a friend that never responded to any text of phone call you make, and you have no idea if they are alive or dead, But you're too scared to go to the police station because you're worried you're gonna waste their time doing a wellness check on someone who is just practicing social distancing without a pandemic by watching 69
Guy 1: Hey Jacob has not been responding to any calls
Guy2: Yeah, he hasn't been responding to my calls either
Guy1: lmao, what a Gorb
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That guy is such a gorb I saw him hookup with 15 girls last night
by Fart hero August 16, 2020
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A gay orb or anything perfectly gay.
"Your lesbo neighbor surely fell in a gorbs pool when she was born."
"Gregory ? Oh you meant : Gregorbs!"
" Gorbs the house down !"
by AquariusGorbs May 11, 2022
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