When Your Asking For An Ass Rape. meaning getting fuked up.
Ayy Two Bars And A Four Loko

"Oo hell Naww Sum1 Gna Get Raped."
by Ivan Prado August 19, 2011
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A very fun drinking game. The rules are as follows:
1. Pour a Four Loko (or any other energized alcoholic beverage) into a wiffle ball bat
2. The person now has to chug the Four Loko out of the wiffle ball bat and the person watching has to count how many seconds it takes the other person to chug
3. Once done chugging, the chugger gives the wiffle ball bat to the watcher
4. However many seconds it took the person to chug is the amount of time the watcher gets to beat the shit out of the chugger.
John: Timenzo! It took you 25 seconds to chug. I now will proceed to beat the living shit out of you with this wiffle ball bat for approximately 25 seconds.

Timenzo: Fuck my Life!! Dizzy Four Loko Bat is Insane!
by realhoodnigga12345 November 25, 2010
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The ultimate alcoholic challenge where you have to drink four four loko in four hours
Chad: "Yo, bro, are you ready to take on the Four Hour Four Four Loko Challenge?"
Brad: "Yeah man! I can't to go to the ER!"
by Eric02 April 18, 2019
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Four Loko with cannabis added. It is usually prepared by dissolving a THC tincture or cannabis edible in a can of Four Loko. Consumption of Four Twenty Loko causes extreme intoxication, known as being cross-faded.
After making a Four Twenty Loko with 20 mg of THC tincture, I got so cross-faded that I couldn't leave the couch.
by Four Loko Frat Guy November 4, 2022
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An excuse widely excepted in the college world. A way of excusing behavior as totally understandable that would otherwise be considered illegal, embarrassing, self destructing, or weird.
Tony: "Damn it Mike you peed in the refrigerator again."

Mike: "Ya but I drank Four Loko last night."

Tony: "Oh well in that case."
by KSkrilla January 23, 2011
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A fairly strong drink crafted by Ohio State University alumni that originally contained caffeine. Modern iterations are just 11% malt beer, flavor, and an absurd amount of sugar. Commonly consumed by underage students to get as drunk as possible for as cheap as possible.

Only the strongest can survive shotgunning a four loko
“Oh god, the four loko is hitting. I’m going to blackout tonight for sure.”

“The best frats sneak four lokos in for the girls and brothers!”
by Nepenthe12042 May 13, 2021
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I’m going to go pretend like I’m getting drunk off a weak ass drink like Four Lokos.
by Treyverse October 9, 2020
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