A rather crude, yet amusing term for spunk, love juice or jizz. The gloopy substance produced during ejaculation.
'Dude, watch you don't get your love flob on the carpet'.

Or perhaps...

My 'love flob' was exceedingly projectile today.
by PJ:D April 27, 2009
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Like slob out, only floppier
I did nothing all day but flob out.
by elviraX January 19, 2013
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A person who speaks unintelligibly, moves in zigzagging motions, frequently cannot hear what people are saying (prompting the question, "What?"), and/or has a propensity for stabbing people's sides.
Muhammad Dhanani is such a flib flob; he doesn't know how to walk linearly and always runs into poles or other people.
by markoboo118 December 5, 2019
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Mash Flob, noun.: A slang term coined over the Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras weekend in 2010 by the PlayStation Home community for a "flash mob," via a play on spelling/pronounciation.
Avatar 1: "Hey! Have you heard that there's going to be a mash flob in the Mall around 2pm?"

Avatar 2: "Yeah! We're all going to dress up in green and wear Mardi Gras masks, dance around the Home logo in front of the waterfall and do the Hero pose."

Avatar 1: "This is going to be EPIC AWESOME! See you there!"
by GlassWalls March 5, 2010
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Flob is a word created by Moriah Elizabeth. It's a combination of a blob and a flower. Moriah Elizabeth had named one of her most recent characters a flob. This word appears in her video, "Painting My Tie Dye(AGAIN.)"
Moriah: "I decided to make a flower into a character, who's actually a blob. So, a blob, flower combo. A flob."
by -Piper- July 8, 2022
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Flob, the sound someone makes when they throw up slugs (See Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

Can also be used when fat etc. is wobbling around.
Did you about Sam, he proper flobbed, all the slugs.

Andie: I can't shut my legs because my flab is flobbing.
by KTPieHole July 13, 2017
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Someone who doesn't contribute anything in a video game.
Damn this person had zero kills. He'a a flob!
by brianator3000 January 18, 2018
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