Rehab; a method in which one cleanses the soul.
Been to Fight Club? Nope, but feeling much better now.
by bigdadybry July 7, 2006
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I hear everywhere the movie is awesome, but I hear the game sucks big floppy donkey dick
damn example rules. thats 20 letters
by Adrian December 12, 2004
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when you have sex with a girl and before you cum you beat the crap out of her and cum on her face and leave.
"dude i heard william fight clubed her."
"yeah her face is really beaten up"
by Michael *ocharla March 26, 2008
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A game created in 2016, where a student, in class on Friday, takes two goldfish crackers and squeeze sthem together to make them "fight". Whichever one breaks is the loser and thrown into a pile of crumbs, while the winner moves on to the next match. Once a clear winner is found out of the entire bag of goldfish, then he or she gets to take on the champ for an epic battle royale. During the final match, the official match theme of "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes must play, and if a winner is crowned, the champ will rest for the week in a zip lock bag stapled to the wall. Never speak of this information out loud to any other student in school......because the first rule of Goldfish Fight Club, is that you don't talk about Goldfish Fight Club.
Parker ignored Mr. Keith's lesson in class on Friday, because it was an intense day for Goldfish Fight Club, and she wanted to see if someone could challenge the champ.
by kskeith1978 April 14, 2017
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When after watching the movie fight club, you begin to question whether your best friend is a real person, or an alter ego your mind has sub-conscientiously created.
Joe: (walks in) hey man, wanna play some Madden?
Dan: (points gun at himself)
Joe: Uh.. Dan.. why are you holding a gun to your head?
Dan: Not my head Joe, OUR head.
Joe: Uh-oh, Fight club syndrome.
by Shane2012 February 6, 2010
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1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB.
2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB.
3rd RULE: If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the fight is over.
4th RULE: Only two guys to a fight.
5th RULE: One fight at a time.
6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes.
7th RULE: Fights will go on as long as they have to.
8th RULE: If this is your first night at FIGHT CLUB, you HAVE to fight.
Example 1)
Joe: Have you Ever heard of fight club?
Ben: Rule #1 Bitch.
Example 2)
Joe: Have you Ever heard of fight club?
Ben: Rule #2 Bitch.
Example 3)
Jack: RULE 3! RULE 3!
Paul: WHAT!? I don't understand you!
Jack: STOP!
Paul: And that is how we learn.
Example 4)
Jacob & Bob: We are gonna kick your ass Ned!
Tyler: RULE 4!
Example 5)
Jim & Robert: Can we fight also?
Tyler: RULE 5!
Example 6)
John: Wanna know how this place isn't like a store?
Sal: How?
John: Rule 6
Example 7)
Caleb: How long do these fights go on for?
Tyler: Rule #7! Does anybody listen to me?!?!
Example 8)
Tyler: Who else's first night is this?
Crowd: Why are you asking?
Tyler: RULE 8! Fuck this I am starting Project: Mayhem!
These are the Rules of Fight Club
by asdfghjkasdfghkj September 15, 2008
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When a couple has sex so loud and hard that sheetrock falls from the wall and any person(s) in the apartment or house where the sex act is taking place cannot sleep, watch TV, or anything else due to the distraction. Derived from the film Fight Club, when Tyler Durden fucks Marla Singer so hard that the whole house shakes.
My roomate fucked his girlfriend Fight Club Style last night. I didn't sleep a wink.
by Smokin' Bitch Magnet January 17, 2006
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