1. Literature written about/inspired by movies/games/tv shows/etc by fans of that particular subject matter.

2. Stupid stories written by fanboys/fangirls and general idiots (see 133t douche and blogger.) Often not worth reading.
FanFiction Asshole: Hey, have you read my new story in which two of the characters from the shitty anime show I always watch have sex?

Normal Guy: Never talk to me again.
by James "Stardust" Bond May 2, 2005
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Fiction written by fans or a genre,includes:
The Music fanfiction is by far the most varied,last time I checked there were 1460 pieces of fanfiction written about a single band.And that's just ONE band on ONe website.That band was My Chemical Romance.About 90% of fan-fic about MCR is just sex really (usually Gerard Way/Bert Mccracken ,Gerard Way/Frank,or,nastily,Gerard Way/Mikey Way).The rest are stories about the band menbers being vamires which are preety funny. But most of it is just really,really,sick. Take a sick-bag.
Weird Person:"Gerard Way is so doing Bert from The Used.They are SO butt-buddies.
Real MCR fan:Yeah.Whatever.
Weird Person:Wanna read my fanfiction I wrote about Gerard getting Butt-raped by Bert,then Frack,then me,then Bert again then his own brother?
Real MCR fan:uhh...OKay
~Reads it~
~Barfs everywhere~
~Punches Weird Person out~
~Barfs everywhere~
by MCRmy June 6, 2006
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Literature written for the simple purposes of either to change completely your opinion of a character or to disturb others with your messed up idea of how the plot should be. Can also be a way for more pervs to pollute the internet.
That is one messed up fanfiction.
by nooooooooobooooooodyyyyy September 3, 2008
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What is Fanfiction? Basically, porn you have to use your brain for.
How Fanfiction works. *insert favorite couple you're shipping* And then...BAM *SEXY TIMES...AWAYYYYYYYYYYYYY*
by The Friend Zone September 24, 2013
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When you write a story in an already established world with already writing established it is FanFiction. For example, you could write a story focusing on Jack Jack from Cinderella. You could do it.

It is also an eppisode from CNN's "Supernatural".
Did you update your FanFiction?
by Highfunctioningfangirl February 19, 2017
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a story written by a fan of something (ex: anime). there is a website called fanfiction.net that is deticated to fanfictions. but most of it is hetalia yaoi. you could also use deviantart but most of the stuff on there is emo sonic and hetalia fanfics where a mary-sue oc has sex with the writer's favorite character while another character that liked or was there best friend mopes around and ends up commiting suicide. but the oc doesn't give a shit. instead s/he possesses a magical power or something crazy like that. s/he saves the world, and then everyone worships him/her. THE END.
Regular Hetalia Fan: Screw that!
by bga4ever June 16, 2012
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Gay crap thought up by retarded otaku anime fangirls in which they get to have sex with their favorite anime characters cause they can't get any in real life.
Here is an example of fanfiction:
Sasuke insisted that Orochimaru use the cherry flavored condoms over the blueberry ones, but Orochimaru wanted to do him in the ass instead.
by Me.. August 28, 2006
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