A drum manufacturing company commonly refered to as DW. Their drums sound great and come in unlimited sizes for custom drum kits. Pros like Neil Peart, Tommy Lee, Joey Kramer, Joey Castillo, Terry Bozzio, Josh Freese and Stephen Perkins play them.
Billy: "Those drums sound amazing dude"

Tom: "I know they're Drum Workshop Drums."
by Brennan Dixon August 24, 2007
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Meaning 'Drunk,' A word accidentally used while text messaging someone, now used in casual speech.
John: I'm a little bit drum.
Jack: You mean 'Drunk?'
John: Yeah, that.
by racergirl12 March 11, 2009
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banging her drum til it brakes.
me and kris where in the bandroom drumming all class.
by quad hoe. November 7, 2007
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a place where people take monkey shots and get really drunk on Thursday nights.
Ryan- Where are we going tonight?
Antonio- Duh! The drum!
Ivan- Round of monkey shots on me!
by thEandrea October 7, 2011
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Drum Beat : Country seat

Meaning a place where you live,or was born at

From Cockney rhyming slang
Come round to my drum for a drink
by Peek March 30, 2005
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"ill beat your drum like the energizer bunny"
by deeboi August 5, 2005
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