to inquire or command sexual intercourse

do me
by HB Smelly April 8, 2004
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actually do-me , like do me. Have sex with me. A message misinterpreted do to improper spacing. Perpetrated by KT M
Baby later tonight can you please dome?
by hairy frypan July 14, 2011
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To smoke on weed really hard to get more smoke into your lungs
by C-Lobbist May 4, 2005
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The scalp and crown of the human skull physically resembles an approximate dome or hemisphere.
by tjt263 September 5, 2014
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Another word for a ghost, especially a friendly one
Last night there was a dome sighting in the graveyard.
by The Great 098 November 1, 2005
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condom: keeps the buns out-o-the oven
My dome broke so now I'm hopin she ain't knocked up.
by G-Child October 2, 2006
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