A hilarious photo or series of videos. Most memes involves bottom and up text making a funny joke while there might be other memes that are videos.
by Dank memes are spicy October 24, 2017
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The source of all good in the world. The best memes god has sent down from heaven. Dank memes cured robbie rotten's cancer. they are truly a gift from god.
Guy #1: Hey do you like yourself sum memes?
Guy #2: Only the Dank memes em i right.
Guy #1: ayyy lmao
by dank_da_dank69 January 7, 2017
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Something that fags think are funny, they're usually just some stolen, unfunny image or phrase that's posted a million times. It's mainly used by people who don't want to put any effort into making a real joke so they steal someone else's. It's also pretty lazy considering most of them are low-quality and it apparently makes them funny. People that think Dank Memes are funny also like to call themselves "Trash" or "Garbage" to avoid any criticism thrown towards them for being unfunny. They also tend to call YTP "Dank Meme Videos" because they're too young to know what a YTP is. What happened to the memes that were actually memes? I miss the old internet.

TL;DR Dank Memes are just unfunny faggot shit that wannabe 4channers and kids like to use.
Faggot: "woah these dank memes r so funni LULZ"
Person 1: "Dank Memes aren't very funny"
by TehKeyboardKrasher May 23, 2018
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A dank meme is just one of the best memes you could ever find.
This meme is pretty dank, right Eli? It is just one of the best memes. Dank memes confirmed
by DankMemes14 March 19, 2016
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Cool, awesome, dope all rolled into one
This iTunes Card. Dank Memes

Or Myself. I'm Dank Memes
by ace138 January 19, 2015
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