When a male has a partial erection caused by observing a women that rates from 5 to 7 on the standard hottie scale. Secondary effects include, when a male in mildly interested in some object or event.
Hey brah, that chick over there is totally giving me a partial chubb.

Oh man, lastnight I had a partial chubb over this sweet ride I saw at the bar.
by BoneSoaker July 10, 2014
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When someone brags that their muscles are bigger, but it's mostly fat, with little to no muscle definition.
Brennan: My arms are way bigger than yours.

Q: That's because of chubb factor. I could outbench you anyday.
by Nickolitus February 17, 2010
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When you got it hard but not all the way
Steve: yo, man i got half a chubb when i saw her!

Brian: Only half!?
by Killbro666 April 22, 2016
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the erection caused by bouncing up and down in a "crummy" or logging crew transport. Can't be acknowledged because the crummy is full of other dudes. Origin: British Columbia and Pacific Northwest
I got a wicked crummy chubb on the ride into Indian Arm landing.
by brumac November 24, 2010
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If someone is overweight, fat, or eats a lot of food, they could be described as being in chubb town
Guys 1: Russell Osbourne ate 6 krispy kreme donuts last Tuesday
Guy 2: Damn, hez headed for chubb town!
by Alias247 May 27, 2009
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Noun: A high school party involving excessive alcoholic consumption and frivolous attempts at pre-marital sexual relations.

Verb: Club Chubbin'- the act of going out in search of partys that will undoubtably end in alcoholic intoxication and pre-marital sexual relations.
Used as a noun
Guy: "Hey dude you wanna hang out tonight?"
Other Guy: "Nah man, I'm goin' to Club Chubb tonight!"

Used as a verb
Guy: "Hey dude wanna play some video games tonight?"
Other Guy: "Nah man, I'm Club Chubbin' it tonight, hopefully ill score."
by N1co September 26, 2007
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