medium sized dick, can cause earthquakes, can be used as a bed, overall a very cool nigga
William Cheng very cool nigga
by water melon meow May 5, 2020
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a place in new york where all the drag queens get their chill on. featured on ANTM
Drag #1: Where shall we go for lunch dahling?

Drag #2: Lucky Cheng's, biiooottchh!! ;)
by murphynjessito August 2, 2010
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A short Chinese boy who happens to have a similar name as famous eunuch Ho Cheng. Despite his lack of testes, he is still pretty hot. Same applies here.
I couldn't see him there, must have been a Cheng Ho
by kkkonnoisseur May 15, 2019
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1. A big Chinese dude who should consider himself lucky because he's dating this really really hot chick.
2. Likes to make up words on Scrabble and gets a shitload of points for it.
3. Also likes to drink wine by himself and pick fights with his sweet girlfriend (but she likes him anyway for some unknown reason).
How did a guy like Cheng Lu end up with such a hot chick?
by asdf May 18, 2004
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The definition of a money guzzling whore. She takes money from students but spends it not on funding, but on trips abroad in first class.

Rita is also great at blaming other people for her issues. This includes blaming departments for her mistakes!
Oh she took your tuition money but wouldn't cancel class for safety reasons? You got Rita Cheng'd
by Alpha Sigma Phi NAU June 3, 2020
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She is an intellectual(will and can do everything and anything better than you if she feels like it) who's beauty is breathtaking. An absolutely gorgeous babe... However, she can behave unpredictably at times, and is to be monitored closely lest she pulls her usual devious antics. Keep her close at all times or she might get lost. All in all she is the G.O.A.T person, friend and gf.
bro 1:Damn dude... she is such a cutie!
bro2:Hey man, she is mine!
Alysha Cheng's chad alpha male bf: back off guys...that's my girl.
by StudentBrotaro June 12, 2023
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