Being a caffeine addict and not having access to or means to procure caffeine. Usually followed by headaches, irritability, slight weakness, disorientation and possible sensitivity to light/sound.
"I ran out of coffee and I'm broke until the 15th, which is three days from now. I guess I'll be taking a little trip to caffeine hell, but on the third day I will rise again."
by sweet_sagittarius January 12, 2012
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When you drink coffee or caffeinated soda, then take a nap, and when you wake up in 30 mins or an hour, the caffeine is just starting to work, so you're very awake.
Ah shit, I'm totally wiped out. I stayed up until 6am at that party.
Dude, here's some coffee. Take a caffeine nap.
by Notorious R.E.D. February 24, 2007
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A horrible poisoning similar to alcohol poisoning caused by taking too much caffeine. Most caffeine is ingested through energy drinks, coffee, or caffeine pills. Depending on body weight and tolerance, you can be poisoned by taking large doses in short amounts of time. Most caffeine poisoning is characterized by nausea, shaking, jitters, headaches, racing thoughts, insomnia, vomiting, and hallucinations. Can be fatal. Can be cured by staying up until you're tired, drinking milk and water constantly and using the bathroom to flush out your system.
Me: I took 800mg of caffeine last night in pills. I was up for two days with caffeine poisoning.
Friend: That sucks.
by ofdarkskies April 7, 2009
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The feeling of having had too much coffee or caffeine, while simultaneously feeling you haven't had enough. Wired, yet wasted.
1. "Ey bro, one more cup' a joe and I'll be tweaking but wake me up if I crash on the sofa, a'ight? I'm in Caffeine Purgatory!"
by stef22 June 4, 2013
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(n): a college major, the pursuit of which requires copious amounts of work and lack of sleep.
Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science are examples of caffeine majors.
by orient666 May 16, 2010
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the constant need to have caffeine in your system; life becomes (more) difficult to deal with. caffeine is your best friend.
"man I'm so tired, hook me up with an IV caffeine drip."
by gwhizross May 26, 2008
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Drinking one cup of caffeine after the other to keep yourself awake to survive a long day at work.
Komal has been caffeining up all day.

Hey stop caffeining up, you wouldn't be able to fall asleep otherwise.
by yogapranam March 6, 2014
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