a really odd way to say penis. it annoys the hell out of most people but the user of the word usually gets a few laughs
Niall: You cack!
Teddy: hahaha
everyone: shut the fuck up fat ass!
by er jokes July 2, 2010
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in reference to the size of ones cock. An abnormally large cock.
His cack was like, "damn"
by akaneamaya August 26, 2009
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1. Rather secretive information shared about the quality of sex partners, particularly in the theatre business.

2. Things that travel with you yet never seem to be thrown away
I heard some cack that Jason is awful in bed.

Throw the cack over there.
by KrisLo November 15, 2006
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cack = non-man,boy, someone who doesnt want to go to man weekend, like jeff dog and mike.
jeff is a cack -boy for not attending man weekend
by davedogg February 19, 2009
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A part of the mans body thats tums cant get enough of.
I consumed the cack, dude.
I love eating copious amounts of cack.
The cack hurts when it gets hard.
I heart the cack.
by Vinn2000 November 4, 2005
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a polite word for using the derogotory name, cunt. Not to be used lightly for fear of retaliation.
Dani: hey have you talked to kelly?

Carly: no why?
Dani: she's being a total cack!
by dancarl August 27, 2009
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