1. Someone who is generally whack, pathetic
2. A cowardly man
3. A man you see with an attractive woman which you've decided he doesn't deserve, based on no information at all
What's a dime like that doing with that buster?
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A poor, innocent crash-test dummy. He has done not a thing to deserve the torment regularly inflicted upon him by Adam and Jamie, those cruel bastards, on the TV show Mythbusters.
Buster is a true American hero.
by dr May 16, 2005
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A coward or a chicken...slang used mainly in gangs.
Perosn 1: Hey wey...what up?
Person 2: Not much. Bored as hell!
Person 1: Did you hear about lil' G?
Person 2: No...what?
Person 1: The OG said he was a buster and he got his ass beat last night!!
by Chi Ichigawa June 1, 2007
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Someone who you just do not fuckin care about in the least
Go away Buster,yer annoying me!
by Buster369 October 30, 2018
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a person who just cant hang or is shady
what a ........BUSTER!!!!!!!!
by slater5thgrade December 14, 2009
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-A word you can say with a cowboy accent
by spaghettiyeet February 8, 2019
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A word that most Albert fans use to indicate playful name calling or they my might just use it to address people.
Hey there, buster!”

What are you doing, buster?”
by SeaSheII June 12, 2019
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