A made up word that kids can use around parents instead of bull shit! no one will ever know, it can also be used as ridiculous or useless. But theres a twist, someone can be a booshbag, (douche bag) which means they are full of bullshit or are stupid.
This test is boosh!
Joseph is a booshbag.
by Rutatoo October 28, 2010
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Used to describe the copious amounts of pubic hair on women (esp. nude models) before "Brazilian" grooming became popular in the late 90's.
She's pretty hot, but she needs to lose that old skool boosh.
by ghoul June 8, 2004
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Throwing unexpecting persons into bushes or shrubery.
Last night we got drunk and went booshing.

I totally got booshed.
by tony June 25, 2004
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When you have watched an excessive amount of the tv-show The Mighty Boosh and can't stop neither watching nor quoting it.
Person 1: So I was watching The Boosh yesterday...but was I REALLY watching The Boosh?

Person 2: Oh god, you are so Booshed.
by Oscar Lindblad June 22, 2007
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A term used in computer graphics (especially in the Minecraft animation community). The word referrers to glow around object, caused by strong lighting. Also known as "Bloom" or " Lens dirt". The term was invented by the Minecraft animator Arbiter617 and was first introduced in his Minecraft animation tutorial series.
Nice render but in needs more Boosh.
by MGM33 August 2, 2019
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(a more advanced version of slay)
exceeding and passing all expectations of accomplishments
omg i'm so boosh i got a 100 in pre algebra!!
by Maralik October 5, 2022
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