Very loud,agressive and angry metal. Usually involves satan and the anti-christ. Also tends to have very fast gutairs and very crude vocals. Some Black metal bands are: Gorgoroth,Dimmu borgir,Behemoth,Darkthrone,cradle of filth (even though they suck)
Black metal is crazy, it takes some getting used to though. Black metal is defently Anti-pussy,anti-emo music.
by Shred from hell July 25, 2006
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A sub-category of hip-hop or R&B, who's listeners mainly consists of Tanzanian midgets, and American hipsters. There are many genre's of Black Metal (Blackened Blue Grass, Blackened Country Western Metal, Blackened Electronica, Blackened Pop, and Blackened Gospel). There are many famous people who listen to Black Metal and it's sub-categories. Lee Harvey Oswald, Charles Manson, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Shania Twain, Miranda Lambert, Johnny Cash, Neo, 50 Cent, and Tipper Gore consist of these famous people.
Guy 1: "Hey man! Let's listen to some Black Metal!"

Guy 2: "Hey man! Fuck you!"
by regualrjololl November 23, 2013
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When punk rock attempts to sound metal and look goth.
Did you ever notice that black metal and punk both have the same blatant disregard for musical aesthetic?


black metal:

More black metal:
by Buck Plankchest September 13, 2008
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Black is the night, Metal we fight
Power amps set to explode
Energy screams, magic and dreams
Satan records their first note
We chime the bell, chaos and Hell
Metal for maniacs pure
Faster than steel, fortune on wheels
Brain hemorrhage is the cure
For Black Metal
Black Metal
Black Metal
Black Metal
Black Metal
Lay down your souls to the gods Rock 'n' Roll
Freaking so wild, nobody's mild
Giving it all that you got
Wild is so right, Metal tonight
Faster than over the top
Open the door, enter Hell's core
Black is the code for tonight
Atomic force, feel no remorse
Crank up the amps, now it's night
Black Metal
Black Metal
Black Metal
Black Metal
Black Metal
Lay down your souls to the gods Rock 'n' Roll
Metal tenfold through the deadly black hole
Riding Hell's stallions bareback and free
Taking our chances with raw energy
Come ride the night with us, rock hard and fight
United my legions we stand
Freak hard and wild for us, give up your souls
Live for the quest Satan's band
Let's go!
Against these odds, Black Metal gods
Fight to achieve our goal
Casting a spell, leather and Hell
Black Metal gods, Rock 'n' Roll
Building up steam, nuclear screams
War-heads are ready to fight
Black leather hounds, faster than sound
Metal, our purpose in life
Black Metal
Black Metal
Black Metal
Black Metal
Black Metal
Lay down your souls to the gods Rock 'n' Roll
Black Metal
by Death Menace March 16, 2023
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A word used by some in the heavy metal culture to describe something that falls into the following categories:

-Dark classical music
"Dude, that movie last night was straight up black metal!"

"Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 was f**king black metal!"

by Nick Galvatron April 21, 2008
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If you know him, you know why. Black Metal.
by ILoveDayglow October 29, 2011
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A genre specific to bands that hail from Norway and play Black Metal. It is one of the most famous genres in the Metal subculture, mostly due to the crimes, multiple church arsons, murders, and violence that surrounds it.

Norwegian Black Metal bands include (but are not limited to)
Darkthrone, Mayhem, Immortal, Emperor, Gorgoroth, Burzum, and Enslaved.
If it wasn't for all of the (bored) crazy fucking Norwegians, Black Metal, particularly Norwegian Black Metal, would be nowhere but further underground.
by HellisBoundless August 11, 2007
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