The wall between the inside of the vagina and the inside of the asshole.
Dude I could feel my dick in her ass through her wonderwall as I was fucking her pussy.
by A1.exc September 27, 2018
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The song every asshole learning the guitar plays to try to impress girls, whilst making a fool of themselves, and ruining everyone else's time.
(At a party or collective gathering)
Tom: Hey guys I got this new guitar.
Bill: Cool, what can you play?
Tim: Tonight I'm gonna play wonderwall (song). Does anybody know it?

(collective groan)
by ThatDuck May 18, 2015
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Wonderwall day (also known as 24th June) is a day where you can only stream wonderwall! Wonderwall day was certified and created by the amazing osmosis group chat on twitter.
“Hey fellow simps do you remember what day it is?”
June 24th?”
“No silly, it’s wonderwall day!”
by liveforever_x June 25, 2020
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In some not traditional cultures there is a step after death and before the final destination. This is called the Eternal Wonderwall. On the eternal 3 there are names in lines that tell you where you are headed for the rest of eternity. The possibilities are Heaven , Hell, Limbo and Purgatory. There is a reference to this in Wonderwall by Oasis.
He wondered where aunt bethany's name was at the Eternal Wonderwall during the funeral
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A Wonderwall wanker is a person who typically claims to be an Oasis-fan but in reality only knows their one hit: Wonderwall.

A Wonderwall wanker can typically be seen at parties strumming away the same 4 fucking chords because it's the only fucking chords he knows.

A Wonderwall wanker often claims to be musically educated and knowledgable about music history and claims to like a lot of rockbands which he most likely never listened to: Nirvana, Oasis, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Metallica, etc. but the sad truth is that he only knows hit-songs and probably listens to R&B when he is on his own and doesn't have to pretend to be a rockstar.

They look and dress extremely mainstream because the only reason they make an efford to learn 3 or 4 chords is to get laid. They know that only a select few girls like long hair and leather so they stick to what's in at the moment. Sometimes they can be seen wearing band merchandise but if you ask them about the first album of the band on their shirt they probably won't be able to answer you.
"Can you play a great song?"
"Sure! Let me play Wonderwall again!"

What a wonderwall wanker!
by WinstonBeWise November 20, 2013
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oasis song that has become the unoficial local anthem of manchester
person 1: hey your from manchester, do you know the song wonderwall

mancunian: (sings wonderwall (song))

person 1: ill take that as a yes then cool
by mr2715 April 18, 2010
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