An extension of the No Homo phrase...first coined by hip hop artist Apathy...after the character Vito of the Sopranos...."Phrase used after one inadvertently says something that sounds gay."
Yo, suck a dick. No Vito.
by digitalstealth May 12, 2006
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Sexy man beast residing in Florida. Resentment for general populous of Orange County.

Can be recognized by sharp wit and strikingly handsome looks.

no tolerance for stupid people- but then again does anyone have tolerance for stupid people?
Code name vit0- cue my james bond music- NOW
by crackah May 4, 2005
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a sad little pathetic fool, who has a really small penis. he wears crappy hats all the time and has a bad taste in clothing. pretty stupid actually...he repel's women.
1. Vito is so fucking retarded
2. That guy is almost as bad as a Vito
3. Hey, I did Vito's Mom last night
4. Vito's bedtime is 7:00pm and he's 15!
5. Vito will never get laid
by Mrs. Perri April 30, 2005
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The name of a guy who takes pride in his looks. Spends hours in the mirror to perfect his do, sometimes causing everyone who is waiting for him to be late. He also like to rock out, possibly plays the guitar and/or is in a rock band. 9 times out of 10 speaks another language (italian) and uses this skill to impress women that he is trying to pick up. A Vito is very religious and likes to show this by wearing a rosary around his neck at all times. Likes to match his tee shirt with his blazers that he likes to wear with jeans. Vito's spend hours in the gym trying to perfect...u guessed it the "V's". His childhoold was an interesting one. Likes to physically abuse family members (mostly his sister, and anything he could drill holes into) and would of been def. diagnosed with ADHD back in the day. Loves fire. And soccer will literally bring him to tears. Loves to play dress up (mostly Mexican)and dance around while capturing it all on tape, which will eventually come back to haunt him later in life. All should aspire to be like a Vito, cus living the Vito lifestyle is living the Rock N'Roll lifestyle!!
The Vito is coming over...hide the good china!!!
by daniela bella November 30, 2006
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vito is a kid who studders alot and thinks hes pretty tough.
he makes weird noises all the time.
and like to ride his bike in puddles.
he has no life and works alot.
he likes to pretend he sees ghosts.
and he goes to bed at 9.
oh look theres vito.
wow tough guy.
by toughhh guyyy June 23, 2009
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Overriding someone else's DVR recording schedule when there's something else you'd rather watch.
Guy 1: Dude , where's my Funniest Home Videos?
Guy 2: Are you kidding me? I ViTo'd that shit to watch Law and Order. Jesus.
by Elliottt A September 7, 2007
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That is a vito group
by Shewaga November 2, 2005
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