Toledo,Ohio...Great place to raise a family. You have all the things you want your kids to grow up to be, old automotive factories, strip clubs, XXX video booths, refinery's and lots of carnivals that all summer long they can get jobs working at. Then of course they become carnies!
Toledo, Ohio....Dad, our house has a great view of the river. Well that why I bought the van son. So we can live "in our van down by the river"
by toledo tom August 14, 2006
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An awesome punch move. Used by Ron Burgundy in Anchorman 2.
Johnny wanted to kick my ass, but he was a pussy, so I showed him the toledo express.
by Ziggy Kickass March 3, 2015
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Toledo, Ohio or as we call it "the armpit of the United States" cause it stinks like shit here.

Its really a great town if you wanna become fat, die of 2nd hand smoke, or be homeless because there are no jobs.
You don't know the meaning of suck until you visit Toledo, Ohio
by tnt419 November 17, 2004
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The act of wearing a condom, covering it in hot sauce, then covering it with another condom. The hot sauce acts as a warning alarm, so if either party starts to burn, you know that a condom has broken and you should stop.
1:"Man, I was 25 minutes into a Toledo Torpedo with this chick when she starting talking about an STD and burning feelings. Told her not to worry, we were extra safe.
by Rilesfincham April 18, 2021
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A wild sex party in an area that nothing happens
Bro, did you go to a Toledo special while you were in Ohio?
by Ecuadorian pride May 10, 2019
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A phrase coined by gangsters and bootleggers in the 1920's. Due to Toledo's convenient location (Lake Erie Shore, ~halfway Chicago/Cleveland and ~a hour south of Detroit) it became the save haven for prohibition criminals after completing jobs in the larger cities previously mentions. A large portion of the crime in those cities was organized in Toledo. Toledo became known as the "Promised Land" to these mobsters, knowing they were in the clear once they made it back to Toledo. Hence the phrase Holy Toledo.
Holy Toledo did you see that!
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The act of taking a dump on your partner's chest during sex. However it differs from a cleveland steamer, mainly by the texture of the aforementioned dump. If it is runny and nasty like a summer day in Toledo, then you have yourself a Toledo Mudhen.
I meant to leave the Cleavland Steamer, but I had a giant burrito and a milk shake for lunch, so she got the Toledo Mudhen instead.
by PlayaHaight August 1, 2006
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