Head-locking someone between your knees (slightly bent) and farting
Holy shit, he just dutch guillotined his girlfriend! TKO
by TurdFerguson01 November 23, 2015
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The process of decapitation by the wheels of a train.
Holy shieeet, that chick got train guillotined.
by LagunaTrain69 January 9, 2023
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Noun.) The act of being constipating and profusely attempting to shit, only to have the shit prairie dog back in, with the extra effort usually causing the sphincter to close prematurely, depositing your "hard work" piece by piece in the commode.

Verb.) (Mexican Guillotining) Engaging in the Mexican Guillotine.
1.) "God, man. I shouldn't have eaten those 10 5-layer burritos from Taco Bell. I was up all last night pulling off a Mexican Guillotine. That goddamn cheese is how they get you..."
2.) "Dude. I feel bad for Jim. I heard that bastard in the bathroom during lunch break, and he sounds like he's having a pretty hard time. He's probably Mexican Guillotinin' it so bad in there, it's starting to look like a damn Fiesta."
by Fotzengeil April 6, 2010
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The Guillotine 2020 occurs in the event when you are with two thick, flexible, bad bitches who are down to fuck. To preform the Guillotine 2020 the bitches have to be on their backs on a elevated surface (eg.on a bed, table, couch, counter, desk). Next their legs have to be over their head "like a pretzel". Then in a swivelling motion thrust your pelvis and alternate which bitch to fuck each thrust. It's the ultimate move for a skilled indecisive man. The Guillotine 2020 got it's name from the famous youtubers/rappers Zias and B.Lou.

Blou: I'm thinking about pulling the Guillotine 2020.
Zias: Ouu
B.Lou: They don't even know about the Guillotine 2020 do they.
Zias: Tell em' bout the Guillontine 2020 B.Lou
B.Lou: Shitttt first off....
by Bagsツ July 15, 2019
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Cock Guillotine refers to a female who often:

1 - Fucks with guys minds (mind games)
2 - Leads guys on, then does not follow through

A Cock Guillotine will often make you think that she wants to take your cock, but at the last minute, chops your cock off.
Guy1 - Dude, everybody hits on Alana

Guy2 - Not me, she's a cock guillotine, she'll chop my cock right off for her collection

Guy1 - True dat
by Highschoolsucksalmostlots January 14, 2010
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This is when a woman is performing oral sex on a man, and right before ejaculation the male thrusts his penis as far down the woman's throat as possible. In reaction to this vile act the woman encloses her teeth on the penis and bites it off.
Dude, why are you crying?
Because last i got a chinese guillotine and I am in pain.
by Vp's Finest November 5, 2010
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