Noun: semen, or seminal fluid. Unwanted discharge from the male body, not meant for reproduction.

The word cum and cumming, derived from the word, scum.
My brother's socks always smelled of scum.
by EH_CBunny June 29, 2009
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A common term of endearment found among theatre students
Hey, we have the best scum in our production.
by dantheman August 3, 2003
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A person of poor judgement and no class.
A low-life human being who is as worthless as a used rubber.
Madison is a fucking scum.
by M4ymay00 December 16, 2016
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Scummed is the meaning of how someone feels after getting: ripped off, jewed, or taken advantage of. Slang for;hustled or played a fool.
"I gave my friend 20 dollars for weed. He came back with donuts and a pack of stoges." I got scummed
by Zbar22 February 18, 2011
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1.being intoxicated, or acting like a low life. doing somthing you know's wrong but doing it anyway. last night at leroys party, i was stright scummin' man
2.tony's scummin' man!
3.i scummed in my pants
by lil cuco January 8, 2004
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