The coolest goon of them all.
Hulk is a goon.
by Lamergoon February 16, 2004
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in other words, a big chumsy, usually bashes through walls and throws ladders at peoples faces... has major rage problems, gets very angry when you take his most precious foods (anything eatable.
Wow, daniel is a definate hulk, look at him bashing through the walls of that buffet.
by AklazarGIVESblastcocks September 26, 2003
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v. to hulk someone is to crush what ever the other person is holding and kick them in the chin really hard like Hulk did to Cable in the Onslaught series
Man she's so annoying i'm bout to Hulk that bitch
by urmomlover July 29, 2008
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An alcoholic beverage made up of Sunny D and UV Blue. Turns green like the Hulk when mixed and has enough sugar to produce a massively strong hang over.
by SAE OU December 16, 2009
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when stevo begins to get mad and starts to transform into hulk form
uh-oh stevo is mad he has started his hulking transformation
by Andy March 16, 2005
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A drink made by mixing "Blue WKD" and A pint of "Stella"
hey bar tender, get me a hulk
by Phatso September 18, 2004
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When a geek (normally a white guy) turns out to be a complete head case and kicks in several people threatening its existence. can result in the throwing af large objects such as chairs and computers screens. the "hulk" normally comes under effect when nerd is surrounded as a last survival instict (nerd does not have to actually become green or built)
"did you hear about Norbert? he went totally hulk on six chavs"
"Holy shit! its a fucking hulk!ARGHHHH (as head gets smashed in by keyboard)"
by dimsum May 16, 2005
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