Definition: to bad for you or sucks to be you or just plain sucks *nice version*
Background: used by someone that is annoyed by the person they are talking with and what's to shut them up but not in an obvious and mean sounding manner, Tone of voice really makes this word work for the situation
"Man I can't believe that you told people about that"

"Bibbles man, you didn't say keep it a secret"
by K-Dogg December 1, 2004
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Hey! Don’t touch my bibble!
Mmm, this bibble tastes good.
by coronasabeech March 30, 2019
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Goodbye; I'll see you soon
Commonly used on internet chat sites, MSN, e.t.c.
Can be shortened to Bibs
by Em and Fi August 19, 2009
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1. To talk too much

2. To be quiet
(Contradictory I know!)
1. She bibbles way too much!

2. Bibble it, you're talking rubbish.
by Lolli pop March 19, 2006
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Bodily fluff usually from the belly button but also but crack, in-between toes etc
"Marmaduke, have you saeen my bibble collection?"
by Leigh Stothard March 14, 2005
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An action that results after viewing or reading something sultry.
Did you see the drummer in that video? *bibble*
by Kelly August 7, 2004
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