A Yo Yo is a bitch. Plain and simple.
by Justin January 4, 2005
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a common phrase usually heard in girardville and sometimes shenandoah. used to gain attention from another person. another way of saying hello.
Hey, there's Jimmy. Yo but!!!
by Warren G April 19, 2005
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1) Substitution for "Greetings!"
2) Dislexic Rabbi speak
3) Filler-speech when a need to look "gangsta" is at hand
4) Half of a "Yo-yo"
1) "Yo Homeslice!"
2) "Yo vei!"
3) "Dat Crunk Cup is the shit, yo yo yo!"
4) "I... forgot... mah... helmet... on... da... short... bus... wiff... mah... Yo-... *drools and falls off highchair*"
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a derivative of the word "yas", used to express extreme joy, enthusiasm, or satisfaction.
"YOS!!! Beyoncé is on the radio!!"
"Nicki Minaj is slaying right now, YOS!!!"

"Ugh, Iggy Azalea is on the radio, NOT yos."
by yos_bitch_yos March 2, 2015
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