a retarded person who is still pretty damn sexy at the same time.
omg, what a tess.
by molliemolliemollie September 25, 2010
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Something so beutiful it’s hard to even comprehend the way they look because it is absolutely stunning
“Dang my girl is so tess
Yeah bro i wish my girl was as Tess as yours”
by Austing15 January 31, 2019
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The most random person ever. Resides in NJ, but usually in own world. AKA: "That insane bisexual", "The Super-Gypsy", "Commie-face", and/or "What the hell, Tess". She has her own group on facebook, entitled, "What the hell, Tess." This is based on the same phrase, which is usually uttered around 20 times per day.
1.In religion class, Tess once doodled a flip book of the entire "Creation" scene from Monty Python's "The meaning of life."

2. Tess is notorious for her "that's what SHE said" moments, usually in class or in front of Mr. Cash.

3. For a class called College Guidance, Tess once filled out a form for "possible career choices" with the following options:

Fighter pilot, opera singer, rock star, Russian Spy/History Professor, purple, rich, or Keith Richards. Needless to say, she got top grades.

4. Finally, Tess has an amoeba named Juan, whom she met in Mexico. How many other people that you know can say THAT?
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A sweet person that has many boys wanting to be with her.
Tess is cool
by Samanthathequeer November 8, 2020
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Jemmy - "Hey, whose that whore over there?"
Judy - "Who? Tess?"
by JussAyKunt November 28, 2012
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I have to study tonight, I have two tesses to take at school tomorrow.
by DRM December 23, 2003
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Tess has a fat ass big tits small waist
hottest chick in the whole fucking world
Tess is so fit
by i am one sexy mofo October 23, 2019
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