A song recorded in the late sixties by a band called Spirit. Jimmy Page laster used the intro in Stairway To Heaven.
"Dude, Jimmy Page totally jacked the intro to Stairway from Taurus!"
by Achilles32094 November 9, 2009
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a car that has been around for years but will be continued because of that thing called the ford 500.
just like ford windstar was discontinued because of the freestar
by mallhomeyblue June 22, 2005
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A bad bitch who doesn’t just eat and sleep. They can be quite productive at times and when they put their mind to a task it’s done well
Person 1: do you like being a Taurus?
Person 2: yes ofc
by Lovestruckfast July 30, 2021
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♉️Taurus is the second astrological sign in the modern zodiac. It spans from 30° to 60° of the zodiac. This sign belongs to the Earth element or triplicity, and has a feminine or negative polarity, as well as a fixed modality, quality, or quadruplicity. It is a Venus-ruled sign along with Libra.♉️
♉️I am a Taurus that like the bull that represents me, is known to be intelligent, dependable, hardworking, dedicated, and stubborn. But more to the Bull than meets the eye. Let's dive in and learn all about the Taurus personality, from its good side to its bad side.♉️
by Dior Niyah 💅🏼🧸. July 25, 2022
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It is a earth sign which is a earth sign, They are often found playing sport or hanging out with Cancer. They're pretty fun to hang around with. but often times they tease people (a good or annoying way).
Person 1 : Oh wheres Taurus?
Person 2 : Over There Playing Sports AGAIN
by KleePaimonQiqi June 16, 2021
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Taurus is a zodiac sign. It means that A girl that born in taurus month, Is sensitive, she hides the sadness in her heart. She is gorgeous girl, everyone needs her, she is helpful, trustworthy girl, she is cute but also hot.. everyone has her you have to be proud that you have her (as a girlfriend , friend) You have to take care on her.
She is very funny and lovely, she/he can make you smile and laugh without reason
by Taurus girl August 6, 2021
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A zodiac usually stereotyped as only caring about food, because they only open up around a few people. They don't care about everything, because they are very pacific about what they value. They will fight anyone who threatens it. They are famous for making mistakes. They are weak in body because they use their brain to get out of problems, which sometimes works. Taurus's treat everyone differently. They do a lot of strange things. They don't even understand themselves.
I'm Taurus
by BRICK NINJA April 7, 2021
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