When on tinder you either swipe right on an ugly person or left on a hot person. Regretting your choice instantly or later down the road.
Guy1: None of these girls are hot.
Guy2:Really? You have to have atleast one hottie.
Guy1: I haven't seen one.....FUCK!
Guy1:I just swiped left on a dime. Son of a bitch. I'm going to have swipers remorse on that one.
by Interemptor February 28, 2016
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The process of taking someone's virginity via inserting your massive cock (has to be massive) into their hole ._. and saying "aww mannn,,," afterwards
Person A: I just used The Swiper on my gf and she was so grateful

Person B: Damn bro, I should try that too, let's try it together rn... fuck me!
by aremu February 15, 2021
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When an overzealous waitress/waiter, eager to clear plates from tables, swipes half eaten food the second you turn away
Where's my pudding gone Steve?

The crafty swiper has had it
by May 30, 2023
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Someone who uses the excuse of eating raw chicken to have the day off sick.
by Adamg234 October 7, 2021
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A good book that you're reading on your e-reader. Would be a "page turner" if a print book.
Finally reading Moby Dick after all these years on my Kindle, it's a real finger swiper.
by JWH88 December 29, 2011
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someone who steals 154.9999999 monieo from me
dn9t is a giant monieo swiper
by the real john reed February 16, 2022
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