To broadcast or telegraph that you are more intelligent than you actually are by attempting to educate people and provide unsolicited advice under the guise of helping them.

Ties in well with virtue signaling as the goal is both to dominate by making yourself appear smarter and more virtuous in juxtaposition to the receiver or audience.

The intention (as well as virtue-signaling 'helpful' advice) is to self-level-up and often to make it seem like you have more knowledge in a given field. Since you often target someone more specialized or experienced than you are your advice is either common knowledge, making you appear like a douchebag in the eyes of the receiver, or it is made up bullshit.
My mistake was when Joe asked me how my marketing business was going and I said 'slow'. For the next hour he was intelligence signaling useless advice. The only thing I learned in that hour was how little he knows about marketing.
by mogydee June 14, 2020
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Someone switched from WhatsApp to Signal is trying out the new environment.
by exinstance January 11, 2021
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When you're chatting to someone and they start boring you. You signal that you're bored by fidgetting with your mobile phone or your media player, cos that's more important!
Rudy: Yo, man, that Tess was trying hard to impress you last night! No one could stop her chatting yo!

Mike: Tell me about it, Rude. I had to check me text while she be chatting just to send her a bored signal!

Rudy: Man, that's harsh!

Mike: Yeh, but it do the trick. She wondered off a couple minutes later!
by awbster May 18, 2010
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A term that is far too often used to dismiss an opposing opinion that is based on morals, ethics, or ideals, when the introduction of such into a debate could critically undermine one's stance.
Waldon: "But you CAN'T flatten that building to build a Walmart! Not only is it an orphanage, but the roof is a rare bird sanctuary, it's built over a graveyard AND an aquifer, hosts the only local live music night in the city on Wednesdays, and is a legally protected heritage site!"

Developer: "Don't listen to that virtue signalling hippy, boys, start up them bulldozers, we got a permit!"
by Urban Savage March 17, 2017
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One of the original manufacturers of warning lights and sirens.
There is no sound quite like that of a fire truck screaming by.
What makes this so impressive is the ear deafening wail of the venerable Federal Q machanical siren.
by Jag III November 14, 2004
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The dance a person makes while swinging their phone around in a dead zone trying to get cell phone signal..
May include: Jumping, screaming, flailing of arms, crying, or throwing of cell phone.
Boy 1: Look at Kyler! He's doing the No Signal Dance..

Boy 2: There must not be any reception in the area hes standing in...

Kyler: AARGH!!! NO SIGNAL!!!
by Emsinemily September 23, 2010
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Crazy, Sexy and loves to work with cats. Who lives on corn chips and "Deal Or No Deal". Not short, and not ranga, usually acts black. Will become a power ranger one day.

-She was being such a Ngaire Signal.
Cats Ngaire Signal
by Archiver1212 November 15, 2011
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