dude just shatnered! damn he needs to change his boxers!
by william shatnered December 29, 2011
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defecating on a girl so hard it enters an orifice
That Millicent made me cum so hard I shatner! Square in the box!
by CrissyLynne June 5, 2010
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Shatner Pause (punctuation) - A "Shatner Pause" is an insertion of an unnecessary pause while speaking or communicating through text based systems such as SMS text, chatting, or instant messaging. A Shatner Pause is defined as any sentence where two or more words are incorrectly given more emphasis and immediately followed by a pause whereupon the sentence is continued where yet another Shatner Pause may be inserted or the sentence ended.

In literary situations, such as text based communication or in print, the Shatner Pause should be designated using the double comma " ,, " instead of ellipsis " ... ". The ellipse "..." is properly used as a moment of silence. A moment of silence without defined theatrics is not defined as a Shatner Pause. Take note that the Shatner Pause in print does not carry the same grammar properties as typical punctuation in that it may interrupt a sentence without any notice but will not alter the structure of the sentence in any way.

The Shatner Pause was made famous by its namesake William Shatner. William Shatner is a professional actor and entertainer who gained popularity as Capt. Kirk on the 1960's television series Star Trek. Many examples of the Shatner Pause can be found watching the episodes.
"The night will bring,, many hardships before the sun rises." single Shatner Pause

"You are,, eating my chips,, and I want them back" example of a double Shatner Pause
by Ghost @ NerdNOS May 6, 2010
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Area within your brain that defines time perception. Can be affected by so called 'Made up drugs' such as 'Cake'; a Visterbile Amphetamoid from Prague. Cake and the effects on shatners bassoon is covered in a episode of the 'Brass Eye' concered with drugs.
One unlucky user died after being run over by a bus, he thought he had 3 months to cross the road.
by Valetudo March 24, 2004
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When someone sends several 1-3 word texts to complete a sentence, thought, phrase, or anything that would take a normal person one text to send. This behavior can cause the reciever of Shatner texts to have their phones freeze because of the abundance or texts coming at once. It can also cause aggravation and annoyance because the reciever cannot read the first text because the rest of the texts are strolling in. Not to be confused with spamming. Named after William Shatner's speech patterns.
(Bob texting Mary)
Bob:What are


Bob:doing later

Bob: this evening?

Bob:I was


Bob:maybe you

Bob: and

Mary: Stop Shatner texting me!

Bob: I

Bob:could see

Bob: a movie

Bob: at the

Bob: cinema

Mary:*throws phone*
by enzymes August 12, 2012
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