Scarfaced is a word meaning to steal ones lover or mate. Whether through money, seduction, etc. Note: Pulling a scarface on a friend can and most likely will inspire dark feelings towards you. The definition is derived from the point in the movie Scarface when he stole his boss Frank's girl Elvira right from under his nose (and then killed him).
Dude 1: Hey you see that girl with Chad? I so wanna get with her but she goes out with him...

Dude 2: Dude, if I were you I would've already scarfaced that...
by Koin June 21, 2008
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A scarface is someone who is a gangster or models themselves on the character of Tony Montana in the film "Scarface"(1983). Scarface is one of the most influential films with regard to hip-hop. Many of the samples used on rap albums are from Scarface. Many phrases you hear used by rappers are copied verbatim from Scarface. Examples include The Geto Boys album (Geto Boys) the hook for "Fuck Em' All" is sampled from Scarface. The sample at the beginning of the Kool G Rap song "Fast Life" is from Scarface. The rapper Scarface took his name from the film.
by AC January 31, 2004
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The greatest rapper ever to come out of Texas.
Widely known for his participation in the group Geto Boys, ScarFace has revolutionized the face of Texas and Southern music in general.
by Ben Crippin February 19, 2008
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1 .The best fuckin movie ever made.
2. Should have really existed.
1. "Many, choot dat pice o' chit"- SCARFACE
2. I WouLd HaVe DoNe AnyThiNG PoSsiBLe To BaNG hiM!!!!! (a.k.a FuCk HiM <-4 the retards)
by LaLa January 6, 2004
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doing two lines of cocaine simultaneously, with each line going up a different nostril
damn... i wanna do a scarface right now...
by Ktblaze May 13, 2008
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when playing any type of online shooter and somebody shoots you from behind with a 12 gauge shotgun, much like the end of scarface when tony gets shot fro behind
guy playing COD:what the fuck i was just about to get a

sentry gun

pothead roomate watching him play: dude you totally just got scarfaced,
by doodoo45 July 21, 2010
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Mimicking that scene in the movie Scarface, when Al Pacino drags his face through a pile of cocaine. An expression of extreme desire and excess. Can be applied to anything that is so awesome that you'd literally like to put your face in it.
I'm so hungry I could scarface through a whole cake.

Or: She's so hot that I'd like to scarface her crotch.
by bl4cksh33p February 7, 2010
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