She is the coolest person to hang around. You can get in trouble with her, but it's totally worth it. She's a weird common white girl who loves Starbucks and Chipotle.
Did you see Sadie. She was rocking out with Gracie!
by BASICSMUGGLE April 1, 2015
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Sadie is so pretty
wow look at sadie over there, i wish i could date her
by scvbnkj May 17, 2019
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Sadie's are honestly the best type of person. She's always there for people, no matter how much they hurt her. She's been through the most but that doesn't stop her from loving her friends. Once you get a Sadie never leave her, if you do then just know you absolutely crushed her. She can't stand it when people leave her, but she's used to it. Sadie's are so pretty but she never notices.
Person 1: "Hey did you meet that new girl Sadie?"

Person 2: "Yeah, she's so kind and pretty!"
by rhettlyn October 6, 2020
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Sadie is a gorgeous girl, who is talented and plays sports. She doesn't put up with others who treat her terribly. She will defend her friends from others, she will make you laugh. She will always be by your side, day and night.
I have texted her about my problems before and she has always helped me threw them. I love you Sadie.
by Bazel is better March 28, 2022
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Sadi: A very Hot guy, with the sexiest 6 pack ever !

Sadis The sweeetest guuy youu coould eeever meet !
I would fuck him !
" Hey is that guy a sadi? "
" Hell yea he is, look at the body, AHHH ! "
by Mark Denim December 30, 2011
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Sadie is the jolliest person you will ever meet! Her laugh will make you laugh, her smile will make you smile. She’s part of the popular crew but looks out for everyone whoever you are. Also, she never has arguments with any of her friends since she cares about them so much to disagree with them. Sadie will cheer you up when your down so look out for a Sadie. You’ll regret it if you don’t!
Sadie Sadie Sadie!
by jessieandwilliam July 22, 2018
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"i'm sadie"
"i'm so hardcore"
by no oneeeeeeeeeeeeee June 24, 2013
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