A group of people that don't believe in authority, that believe that everyone is created equal, if you disrespect them, you lose all respect thy had for you, plus they will vandalize. Runners consist of boys & girls, gays, straights, lesbians & bisexuals, they believe everyone is created equal, and everyone deserves respect, until they're respect is taken. They don't judge people by looks, but by their personality .
Runners tore up my house .
by A Runner August 12, 2012
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The most hard working group of people you will ever meet. Different from a jogger who is just a person either
a) trying to get fit and failing
b) trying to look cool/hot
c) not trying at all
Runners work incredibly hard, they are always training and are the toughest people you will ever meet. I mean come on, who else could finish a 10k x-country meet with a broken arm or become English national schoolgirl champion with a sprained ankle? They are also amazingly kind, sweet understanding, and compassionate because they understand what it is like to be in pain or be disappointed. A true runner is a good sportsman/woman, they do not boast or brag they just help others and be happy for those who beat them. Any competitiveness that they have is just to make their family, friends and coach proud, it is not for themselves. They are also extremely intelligent and have the strongest minds. A runner is a beautiful person inside and out.
populargirl: oh my gosh look at me im so hot because im a runner

runner: yes you are.

runner is compassionate and kind even though they know that the popular girl is just showing off they wont hurt her or boast.
by gigigigigi April 11, 2012
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A girl/boy who quits or a big cryer
"I quit!"
"You're a runner"
by Htrdrdtfyfyftsrdghvhfjcfdrs September 27, 2014
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In Texas hold'em poker, this means a card that was drawn to help someone's hand. It is generally used in conjunction with the hand the person improved to. For example, if someone hits two cards to make a flush (i.e. improves on the turn and river), then the person is said to hit runner, runner flush.
"If i can hit runner, runner on my ace, i might double up."
by fat dan the pirate man December 7, 2006
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A person of legal age who buys alcohol for those of non-legal age.
Hey, we're almost out of beer...someone better find us a runner!
by foxy23 October 28, 2003
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someone who is over the legal drinking and/or smoking age, who makes alcohol or cigarette runs for kids. (buys age-restricted substances for minors)
joey: hey you got the vodka?
mark: yea my runner went to the liquor store for me yesterday
joey: awesome!
by concavity December 20, 2009
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a woman that will have sex with multiple partners simoltaniously.
Me and the Folks had a runnner the other day, she gave all of us good love.
by bilhed G October 13, 2003
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