another celebrity crush Paul Rudd is so hot but man who knew he 52 but he looks younger then that
Paul Rudd stars in: friends later in, ant-man, ant-man and wasp, wanderlust, avengers endgame, how do you know, clueless, civil war, anchorman, Romeo & Juliet ones i watch and know of
by hotlava101 December 7, 2021
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the god of aging and time. average size man. directioner. stepbrother
people should never tell paul rudd he's aging like fine wine because man that guy ain't aging
by imnotthewerewolf December 9, 2021
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A nasty, smelly, foul girl who thinks she is amazing, but shes not. A girl who thinks shes is a gift to the world, but in all reality is a whore who uses her teeth for oral.
Matt: Dude that girl cant feel anything!
Alex: Yeah I know! She uses her teeth!
Both: Shes a Slut Rudd for sure.
by Mapiequest June 6, 2011
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Kevin Rudd king twerp. The greatest control freak and lover of terror that has ever existed. People had a choice to not pay taxes in the '80's.
'Im in Kevin Rudds faction. I saw that star when he was born.
by Iam not Elmer Fudd February 27, 2020
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Kevin Rudd likes to complain because the only food available onboard, was 'gourmet sandwiches,' and no hot meals.
'I like to order a 4 legged chicken, waiter. They're very popular here in Asia stated Kevin Rudd
by Iam not Elmer Fudd February 27, 2020
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Kevin Rudd the Elmer Fudd lookalike, who likes to steal other people's policies. A person who believes no one should go to jail, expect the aborigines. Wanna commit a crime and not go to prison, speak to Elmer
Kevin Rudd : Send that waitress to prison for not making the sandwich MY WAY!
Hey, not him! Adolf Hitler is in my faction!
by Iam not Elmer Fudd February 27, 2020
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