A very sloppy and overused vagina having the appearance of a plate of marinara covered beef/cheese raviolis that have been...smashed.
A messier look than roast beef curtains.

Smashed Ravioli - I banged Angela but apparently I wasn't the first 'cause her vag looked like a Smashed Raviloi.
by D. Sanchez & The Rav Smashers September 15, 2008
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She was once seen in Flamingo's video called THIS ROBLOX GAME INFECTS YOUR CHARACTER. She likes wearing chilled pasta pants Teal Shirt, she has Chestnut Bun hair and Woman's Face aka Honey Face which was made by hackers in the April 1 2012 hack. Betty Ravioli sadly died because of a foot infection, she was the replaced by her sister BettySpaghetti8, that was the end of Betty Ravioli.
Betty Ravioli is a good girl.
by BigAnnoyingRat December 3, 2020
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A found condom filled with rat meat
When I stumbled on Old Horace, I couldn't help but notice the broken crack pipe and the remains of sewer ravioli.
by Sticky Richard January 17, 2014
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A dance with a twisting sort of motion with the hips, bending your arms and swinging them forward and back with a very angry/constipated facial expression.
Guy 1: "Hank! It's Ravioli time!"
Guy 2: "Let's do this."
by TheGuyWhoCreatedTheWordUncha December 11, 2011
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When you creampie a chick while she's on her period.
"Did you hear? Ian gave Ana a Ravioli Pocket Last Night!"
by King_Kumquat March 27, 2019
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A ravioli bitch is a person who you are close to, a friend, that did something stupid. It should be the thing that you wouldnt like, but you love that person regardless. (A popular phrase used in reject kids)(usually said in a high, scratchy Voice)
*friend throws a pillow at you*

Friend- take that hoe!
Me-*gets hit with a pillow, it lands on your lap* You ravioli bitch
by P@ssiv3_@ggr3ssiv3_st0n3r February 9, 2019
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Meme page on Instagram surrounding Steve Harvey and some ravioli. Ran by a bunch of highschool band students who have nothing better to do with their lives than roast each other and meme Steve Harvey.
“Krusty’s Ravioli needs jesus.”
by whotouchamyspaghet January 30, 2018
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