Toyota Prius, FIRST Mainstream hybrid vehicle produced, gets over 60 miles per gallon, lowest emmisions, and its peppy
My prius goes 0-60 in 0-60 seconds
by prius May 30, 2004
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dude that car's shaped like a schlong! What a prius.
by Twister April 23, 2005
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Ugly, environmentally friendly hybrid vehicle that is really cool, because all Hollywood celebrities drive one.
I'm buying a Toyota Prius because Cameron Diaz has one.
by nvdw May 2, 2005
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Miss you forget to give us homework and don't forget about the test today
"Such a prius"
by Tyreecexx February 16, 2021
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The most badass car in all of car history. Only used by the coolest, most awesome people. Prius owners often dress in attire such as leather jackets in order to display their coolness. Often used by superheroes and super villains, because of the natural Prius ability to appear invisible to the law, and despised by the general public who are unaware of Prius driver's true inner awesomeness.
Batman raced by, in his Prius, undetected by the civilians surrounding him.

The bank robber ran quickly to his Prius, and climbed inside, gasping for air. He did not attempt to drive away. He knew he did not need to, despite numerous police cars arriving on scene. He was in a Prius. He was invisible to the law. The bank robber smiled to himself and watched as the policemen fumbled around, trying to find the now-invisible culprit.

Adia was driving 105 on a 25mph road. Five police cars were in her general vicinity. However, none of them pulled her over. Because Adia was driving a Prius.
by barneystinson December 6, 2014
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