1. A derogatory slang-term for a gay man.

2. A girly whimp ass guy.
1. Look at those pixies holding hands over there!

2. John is a fuckin' pixie; he doesn't like football!
by Ally Bally Bee June 26, 2003
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short for the best candy ever, pixie sticks
Dude I need a pixie.
by Megan June 13, 2004
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"That hipster kid thinks he's really cool because he likes the Pixies, but he doesn't know shit about music."
by H-Hu April 17, 2007
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A cat that is a Russian nazi lab experiment.
Hmm, what is your cat called?

by Toxxin September 27, 2021
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It's strange how he has a grilfriend... he's such a pixie!
by Adustus November 13, 2004
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(n.) Any of the smaller, very fast characters in Capcom's Marvel fighting games.
Scrubs love to play pixies like Strider, Spider-Man, and Wolverine, since their skills are generally limited to surprise attacks and combos.
by Milo D. Cooper August 31, 2003
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A golden retriever rider or rider named Daylene who will stop you from buying potatoes.
Tuli : heyyyyy Pixie, ride me even though i'm small.
Daylene : "No! I only ride golden retrievers and u want to buy potatoes!'
by Gxxtxr February 6, 2019
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