adj. young. immature. not full grown. like a pippin.
Although out of college, his behavior was still pippie.
by Silly Dad August 12, 2003
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The correct way to partake in a crystal meth smoking circle.
Shane - "Yo, Luke. Don't be a greedy dog with the pipe this time. Remember - puff puff pass, aiight bro?"

Luke - "No wukkas bro. I won't be such a cooked cunt and forget pippy etiquette this time man I swear."
by manicbubble February 11, 2015
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Pippi is the voice of those without, an anarchist-feminist (and possibly socialist) Swedish childrens' book charachter from the 60's and 70's.

Together with her two best friends Tommy and Annika, 8-ish year old Pippi sails the world, beats up grown men, carries her horse, adopts a monkey, meets her father - the pirate Blue Beard and - above all- swears to never grow up.
I am NOT doing the laundry two days before I actually run out of clean clothes - I mean you have to ask yourself What Would Pippi Longstocking Do?
by The Pippi Coalition September 20, 2011
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A cute way to say "cunt" without saying cunt!

My Pippy crack stinks, but I dont care! My Pippi Crack stinks, but I dont care! cause I dont wear any underwear!
by Erik da man January 2, 2008
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A woman who acts posh but isnt
Jilly gets on my nerves making out she's so posh and prim and proper. The slut's such a pippie minge! I saw her gobbling a bloke off in the drive through!!
by Tent peg October 21, 2017
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She opened her legs and I sucked on her sweaty pippy
by sj January 13, 2004
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